Halia's Waltz

I accidentally wrote a song for my 4-year-old. It pleases her immensely. It pleases me, too, partly because every line in this short song is full of meaning just for her. For example, it starts with "I remember, I remember that day in November, when I first laid my eyes on you". It's not just that I vividly remember the day of Halia's birth, but also that her birthday falls on Remembrance Day. In this video, I blab a bit before the song starts. But I'm not just blabbing; I'm sharing information with you that lets you in on more of the meaning of each line.

By the way, the artwork hanging on our wall depicts "hand games" a.k.a. "stick gambling" and was painted by Mary Caesar, who currently lives in Watson Lake, Yukon. You can check out more of her artwork on her Facebook page. And also, in case you didn't already know it, "YB" stands for Yukon Brewing. I love those guys.



06 Nov 2013 08:23:38

Hmm, dunno about your parting premise. Does Halia get moist eyes when you sing it? :-*


06 Nov 2013 22:07:16

:) Lovely!

Nicole Edwards:

15 Nov 2013 08:03:01

So Beautiful! I love that you wrote your daughter a waltz! I wrote my Mom a waltz…. there is something special about mother-daughter-waltz connection. I liked knowing the tropical storm reference.

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