It's too cliché

Every once in a while, I like to share the new songs I'm working on. Inspiration struck a couple of weeks ago and I wrote a tune called "It's too cliché". I had the idea for the song — using tired old expressions and repackaging them in a fun way — but it took a few days to compile enough clichés into logical groups to have all the verses I wanted. This song was especially fun to write, though, because I got help brainstorming lyrics.  I posted on my Facebook fan page that I was trying to think of clichés about love and I got lots of great suggestions, many of which actually made it into the song. Isn't that great?! I posted the song on my Facebook page, but you don't need an account to view it. Check it out, and let me know what you think: It's Too Cliché. Can you think of any great clichés that I missed?



02 Apr 2012 22:08:55

I love it! Cute and funny and sentimental…in the old style. :)


03 Apr 2012 10:02:05

Do snowplows in March in Whitehorse qualify for a cliché?
Well, here is one about Germans. “Germans have no humour”. I can laugh my ass off about that one.
How about “Germans are punctual” – after Nita beat me to the comment section.

The Professor:

04 Apr 2012 23:32:33

oh that’s very touching. You have a very deep understanding for music.

Mark Blasini

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