Jazz makes you cooler

Fawn on Tim Tam's Blog I got a thrill earlier this week when I discovered Tim Tamashiro, host of CBC Radio 2's jazz program Tonic, mentioned me on his "Jazz Evangelist" blog. In the post, he highlighted swing music happening across Canada, and he didn't forget to mention the north in his cross-country checkup. He managed to dig up a video clip of one of my outdoor performances with my 40s-style Swing Street Band. (I don't have much swing music on my YouTube channel — gotta fix that!) I love listening to Tonic. The music is great, but besides that, Tim is always an entertaining host. He's a great jazz singer himself, and his between-spin patter is every bit as good as his tune choices. It's the perfect soundtrack for an evening at home. Sadly, I haven't been tuning in lately, as I've been either on the road or on the Frantic Follies stage when the program is on. [caption id="attachment_1287" align="alignleft" width="243"]A screen shot of the Tonic broadcast log A screen shot of the Tonic broadcast log[/caption] Last night when I got off stage after my Act One appearance, I looked at my phone and noticed I had a Facebook message from my friend Kristina. She told me she'd just heard me on Tonic. Tim's tagline on the show is "jazz makes you cooler", so he was playing up my northern locale and being the "coolest" jazz singer in Canada. Well, I was tickled enough that "cool" probably wasn't the most accurate way to describe me just then.



23 Jun 2013 05:09:51

Now, that is very cool!because you are so hot that you are cool!

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