Questions from Shelley G

Shelley GummesonI recently had the pleasure of chatting with Shelley Gummeson. She's a writer, reviewer, producer, and host of the radio show "Jazz on the Rocks". Let me tell you: she has the most beautiful speaking voice; as soon as I picked up the phone and heard her, I knew I'd enjoy our conversation. Our interview may turn into an article, a radio showcase, or both. I admit I didn't do much to prepare for it. Really, there's not much I can do to prepare . . . and often a spontaneous response is better than a prepared one. But there are inevitably those questions for which I have the perfect answers after the interview is done. Here's my virtual second kick-at-the-can for a couple of Shelley's questions... SG: What would surprise people to know about you? Most people are surprised to learn that I speak 4 languages; it's my lucky lot in life to have been born into a multi-cultural family. My husband and I are considering  spending a couple of years sailing around the world with our family. Of course, this will require that I actually get comfortable with handling a sailboat! Sometimes people are surprised to find out about the huge obstacles my family faced to beat my older daughter's epilepsy. When they meet her, they're shocked to know how bad her seizures were when she was a toddler (very, very bad), and they're surprised to learn about the stringent ketogenic diet we did with her for 5 years. But here's the truth: anyone who has connected with me for a while on Facebook or through my blogs probably won't be surprised by much. I am very much myself in social media, so it's a good way to get to know the "me" behind the singer. SG: What do you want people to know about you? I  want people to know the joy I feel in making music, and in making new friends. If what I create moves you, I'd love for you to connect with me. Join my newsletter, like my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter . . . and start a conversation. The best part about making music is touching other people.


Kelli S:

06 Mar 2014 04:57:11

Congrats Fawn! That’s fantastic news! I keep hearing you on Tonic (CBC) and love it when I do :)


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