What do you mean?

  Have I mentioned yet the title of the album I'm recording? I'm calling it Bedroom Voice. There's a story behind the name, but I'll save that for another time. To me, it says quiet, sultry, and sensual. It speaks of love, perhaps of longing, perhaps loss. It speaks of emotion, deeply felt, but whispered.What I'm curious about is what images are conjured up in your mind when you hear the name. Bedroom voice. A few comments I've heard have made me realize that, for some people, the album title may cross the line into the erotic. That's not really what I intended . . . but I guess it doesn't really bother me. (But, just so you know, I'm not planning to appear in lingerie on the cover of the album.) As far as I'm concerned, an artist creates a work and leaves it up to each spectator to interpret it in the context of his or her experience. It's not for me to say, "Oh, no, no, no! That's not what I meant at all!" It really doesn't matter. If it resonates with you, my job is done and I'm happy. (Hold up, I think I said something similar to this before...) At any rate, the distinction between seductive and erotic is probably a fuzzy line. I prefer to stay on what I think is this side of the line, somewhat more demure, not quite so blatant. I find it far more alluring. What do you think? What does "bedroom voice" say to you?


kat secord:

18 Oct 2012 14:06:19

For me, my bedroom voice is the one where I may reveal or share something near and dear to my heart. Something I may not reveal or let out anywhere else.My bedroom is one of the areas that is a sanctuary, my safe place, my tree fort.


18 Oct 2012 14:50:44

Yes! Beautiful.

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