What's new on March 17
17 March 2014
17 Mar 2014 21:27:02
Thanks Sweety, particularly also to Jade, who can make any Opa’s heart turn to mush. Gute Besserung to Halia – maybe she got it from me. About 2 hours after I ordered Chinese fast food for our crew in Romania followed by a large Torte, my stomach and its effluent system started to rebel, and I feared I might miss another trip to Dawson City, but after some antacids, coal tablets and other assorted chemicals and, above all, a few hours rest, things seemed to settle without major disasters. It reminded me of my birthday in 1973, the year of the “ring ceremony”, when some fellow engineers and I went down under the table in Ye Olde Brunswick House on Bloor and Brunswick, where Irish ballads and gallons of Guiness flowed in great abundance with predictable results :-)
18 Mar 2014 16:45:15
I can’t wait to see the videos. :) you are an inspiration!